Monday, July 7, 2008

23 Things... Successfully Completed

Well, here I am just completing my last "Thing". I have learned a lot-- tried some totally new "things" and got better at some more familiar things. I think that the 23 Things project was fun, interesting and useful, both personally and professionally.

I now will be more inspired to try new technology, and to continue in my own Life-long learning experience. I like the way this exercise was divided into weekly goals and the way we were encouraged to Blog (and reflect) on what we had tried, discovered and learned. I also liked being able to read others experiences. I liked that the deadlines had some wiggle room, so that those of us who were on AL for a week or so could still complete all the exercises and not get terribly behind while we were away. I liked being able to do them on project time at work as well as from home if desired. Offering the 23 Things project to everyone on staff--Associates and Librarians-- gave us all common topics of discussion, and enhanced the teamwork feeling and life-long learning goal for all involved.

I would definitely participate in a similar exercise in the future. I have gained many new insights and had fun as I explored each week's topics. The organizers put together a useful and timely endeavor for PBCLS staff.

Overdrive exploration

I listened to the Overdrive Digital Media Tour, and found it to be very well produced. I will indeed recommend it to our patrons. It covers all the basics and explains all the steps thoroughly and in easy steps!

I also listened to the recommended excerpt from Fahrenheit 451, and I next searched for a title, checked it out, downloaded the Overdrive software, Updated my Windows Media Player Security, and began listening to Water for Elephants. I would love to listen to more audio books in this way, but as always have to find the time to do that.

I think this was an excellent exercise for us to do and I will now feel more comfortable answering questions about it as well as recommending it to patrons.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Literary Podcasts

I added this podcast to my Bloglines account
Here one can receive a new poem, read-aloud, via podcasting, each day-- courtesy of the Poetry Foundation. I clicked on several days previous podcasts too, but have not as yet found a poem I love. I am willing to give it a try, though.

Another podcast site I do like is BookCast by the Fairfax County Public Library. On these podcasts the library director, Sam Clay ( He has a great voice for podcasting and comes across as someone you'd like to chat with) interviews various authors.
I also added this to my bloglines account.

I really like podcasts, but wonder where the minutes in my busy day could be found to listen on a daily or regular basis. I find the podcasts I listen to are found in a search for something I am interested in anyway. To take time to daily listen to even one regular podcast...well it would have to be really important to me, perhaps I've just not discovered it yet?

YouTube PC Dominoes

I have watched other videos on YouTube. before --especially some silly ones that a friend of mine and her grandmother made, and some music videos. I looked at the library dominoes video which was cool with all those books, but then I found the old PC dominoes and I like it better! Turn down your sound before watching this one!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Farecast-- Award Winner

I tried the Award winning Farecast to search for flights to NY. I typically go to NY twice a year to see my daughters and this tool looks very helpful. I will definitely use it again. I usually search for fares in Travelocity and Expedia but I really like the way this searches multiple carriers, and Internet travel sites. I also like the way it recommends you wait if the fares may be likely to go down and it gives you the odds that this will happen. I will play with this site more at home later, it may be my favorite discovery of all 23 Things--who can say, I have found lots to like here!

zoho I like!

I created the previous blog post using zoho. It is the beginning of a To-Do list for an upcoming trip. I like zoho, and can see uses for it both personally and professionally. I like the way that several family members in several different locations could work on a list, document or project. I can see using it to discuss departmental issues, projects or lists. It is very easy to use and has great features including an easy way to post the document to your blog.

Trip to NY

Trip to NY with Linzi

(Created w/ zoho)

Things to Do

  1. Buy airline tickets (get best rate/city)
  2. Get hotel room (check online)
  3. Get mailing box for overflow college clothes to mail
  4. Check college calendar dates.

Things to Buy

  1. Toiletries
  2. Skirt for cold weather days